The UseField Pattern

In the previous chapter, we were able to implement context-generic accessor providers like GetApiUrl and UseFields without directly referencing the concrete context. However, the field names, such as api_url and auth_token, were hardcoded into the provider implementation. This means that a concrete context cannot choose different field names for these specific fields unless it manually re-implements the accessors.

There are various reasons why a context might want to use different names for the field values. For instance, two independent accessor providers might choose the same field name for different types, or a context might have multiple similar fields with slightly different names. In these cases, it would be beneficial to allow the context to customize the field names instead of having the providers pick fixed field names.

To address this, the cgp crate provides the UseField marker type (note the lack of s, making it different from UseFields), which we can leverage to implement flexible accessor providers:

fn main() {
use core::marker::PhantomData;

pub struct UseField<Tag>(pub PhantomData<Tag>);

Similar to the UseDelegate pattern, the UseField type acts as a marker for accessor implementations that follow the UseField pattern. Using UseField, we can define the providers as follows:

fn main() {
extern crate cgp;

use core::marker::PhantomData;

use cgp::prelude::*;
use cgp::core::field::UseField;

#[cgp_component {
    provider: ApiBaseUrlGetter,
pub trait HasApiBaseUrl {
    fn api_base_url(&self) -> &String;

cgp_type!( AuthToken );
#[cgp_component {
    provider: AuthTokenGetter,
pub trait HasAuthToken: HasAuthTokenType {
    fn auth_token(&self) -> &Self::AuthToken;

impl<Context, Tag> ApiBaseUrlGetter<Context> for UseField<Tag>
    Context: HasField<Tag, Value = String>,
    fn api_base_url(context: &Context) -> &String {

impl<Context, Tag> AuthTokenGetter<Context> for UseField<Tag>
    Context: HasAuthTokenType + HasField<Tag, Value = Context::AuthToken>,
    fn auth_token(context: &Context) -> &Context::AuthToken {

Compared to UseFields, the implementation of UseField is parameterized by an additional Tag type, which represents the field name we want to access. The structure of the implementation is almost the same as before, but instead of using symbol! to directly reference the field names, we rely on the Tag type to abstract the field names.

Deriving UseField from #[cgp_getter]

The implementation of UseField on accessor traits can be automatically derived when the trait is defined with #[cgp_getter]. However, the derivation will only occur if the accessor trait contains exactly one accessor method. This is because, in cases with multiple methods, there is no clear way to determine which accessor method should utilize the Tag type specified in UseField.

By combining #[cgp_getter] with UseField, we can streamline the implementation of ApiClient and directly wire the accessor components within delegate_components!:

fn main() {
extern crate cgp;
extern crate cgp_error_anyhow;
extern crate reqwest;
extern crate serde;

use core::fmt::Display;
use core::marker::PhantomData;

use cgp::core::component::UseDelegate;
use cgp::extra::error::RaiseFrom;
use cgp::core::error::{ErrorRaiserComponent, ErrorTypeComponent};
use cgp::core::field::UseField;
use cgp::prelude::*;
use cgp_error_anyhow::{DebugAnyhowError, UseAnyhowError};
use reqwest::blocking::Client;
use reqwest::StatusCode;
use serde::Deserialize;

cgp_type!( Message );
cgp_type!( MessageId );
cgp_type!( AuthToken );

#[cgp_component {
    provider: MessageQuerier,
pub trait CanQueryMessage: HasMessageIdType + HasMessageType + HasErrorType {
    fn query_message(&self, message_id: &Self::MessageId) -> Result<Self::Message, Self::Error>;

#[cgp_getter {
    provider: ApiBaseUrlGetter,
pub trait HasApiBaseUrl {
    fn api_base_url(&self) -> &String;

#[cgp_getter {
    provider: AuthTokenGetter,
pub trait HasAuthToken: HasAuthTokenType {
    fn auth_token(&self) -> &Self::AuthToken;

pub struct ReadMessageFromApi;

pub struct ErrStatusCode {
    pub status_code: StatusCode,

pub struct ApiMessageResponse {
    pub message: String,

impl<Context> MessageQuerier<Context> for ReadMessageFromApi
    Context: HasMessageIdType<MessageId = u64>
        + HasMessageType<Message = String>
        + HasApiBaseUrl
        + HasAuthToken
        + CanRaiseError<reqwest::Error>
        + CanRaiseError<ErrStatusCode>,
    Context::AuthToken: Display,
    fn query_message(context: &Context, message_id: &u64) -> Result<String, Context::Error> {
        let client = Client::new();

        let url = format!("{}/api/messages/{}", context.api_base_url(), message_id);

        let response = client

        let status_code = response.status();

        if !status_code.is_success() {
            return Err(Context::raise_error(ErrStatusCode { status_code }));

        let message_response: ApiMessageResponse = response.json().map_err(Context::raise_error)?;


pub struct ApiClient {
    pub api_base_url: String,
    pub auth_token: String,

pub struct ApiClientComponents;

pub struct RaiseApiErrors;

impl HasComponents for ApiClient {
    type Components = ApiClientComponents;

delegate_components! {
    ApiClientComponents {
        ErrorTypeComponent: UseAnyhowError,
        ErrorRaiserComponent: UseDelegate<RaiseApiErrors>,
        MessageIdTypeComponent: UseType<u64>,
        MessageTypeComponent: UseType<String>,
        AuthTokenTypeComponent: UseType<String>,
        ApiBaseUrlGetterComponent: UseField<symbol!("api_base_url")>,
        AuthTokenGetterComponent: UseField<symbol!("auth_token")>,
        MessageQuerierComponent: ReadMessageFromApi,

delegate_components! {
    RaiseApiErrors {
        reqwest::Error: RaiseFrom,
        ErrStatusCode: DebugAnyhowError,

pub trait CanUseApiClient: CanQueryMessage {}

impl CanUseApiClient for ApiClient {}

In this wiring example, UseField<symbol!("api_base_url")> is used to implement the ApiBaseUrlGetterComponent, and UseField<symbol!("auth_token")> is used for the AuthTokenGetterComponent. By explicitly specifying the field names in the wiring, we can easily change the field names in the ApiClient context and update the wiring accordingly.


In this chapter, we explored various ways to define accessor traits and implement accessor providers. The HasField trait, being derivable, offers a way to create context-generic accessor providers without directly accessing the context's concrete fields. The UseField pattern standardizes how field accessors are implemented, enabling contexts to customize field names for the accessors.

As we will see in later chapters, context-generic accessor providers allow us to implement a wide range of functionality without tying code to specific concrete contexts. This approach makes it possible to maintain flexibility and reusability across different contexts.